Eric specializes in Russian Bar and Cigar Box Juggling, a discipline in which he is considered to be one of the best in the world. He has worked on numerous shows with les 7 doigts de la main including their new touring show, Sequence 8. Eric graduated in 2011 from the prestigious National Circus School of Quebec. Eric Bates grew up in Fayston, Vermont and toured with Vermont’s Circus Smirkus in his youth.
Peter Gould
Half of Gould & Stearns, Clown Jewels of Vermont, about 4000 live performances (solo & duet) from Maine to California & Scotland to Chile, and a regular at the First Iteration of Vermont Vaudeville festivals, back in the 1980’s. Still here! Founder & director of “Get Thee to the Funnery” Shakespeare camps for the coolest NEK kids. Professor of meditation and other Fun Stuff at Brandeis University! Writer of novels for Young Adults.
Wacky Chad
Super charged and ready for action, Wacky Chad!, aka Chad Deitz and his extreme pogo skills, charmingly funny jokes and antics got him on television shows like America’s Got Talent, Live! With Regis and Kelly, and Star King (Korea). His clowning around started in Ecuador at age 19 and has since made thousands of people laugh at schools, fairs & festivals, colleges and universities. He’s been voted as a fan favorite for his mix of hilarious stand up comedy and unusual tricks and stunts. He grew up in Syracuse, New York, in a family where jokes at the dinner table were a must. After graduating from college with a degree in television and radio, he spent six months working at Disney World in the prestigious Disney College Program. Chad plans on performing at more stand up comedy clubs and is currently creating his own documentary about the “Business of Happy”. BAM!
Guest Performer Additions
After we printed the poster we got some great news!
- The incredible Eric Bates (Circus Smirkus Alumnus currently touring the world with Seven Fingers) will make a guest appearance Friday & Saturday night!
- Vermont clown, teacher, director, Shakespearean (and much more) Peter Gould will join the show Friday (May 10th) night!
- Wacky Chad, out of Boston, will be at the show with his extreme pogo stick stunts, but ONLY Saturday night (May 11th).
Clip of Eric Bates in Sequence 8
THE SPRING SHOW @ The Hardwick Town House
Friday May 10th & Saturday May 11th, 2013 @ 8pm

Noah Nielsen
Noah lives in Montpelier, Vermont and will tour with the Circus Smirkus Big Top Tour this summer for his 4th year. He attended Smirkus Summer Camp for 3 years prior to being selected as a Big Top trouper. Specializing in diabolo and object manipulation, Noah has also performed Chinese pole, wall tramp, acrobatics, hoop diving, and unicycling under the big top lights. Noah will receive his Certificate in Sustainable Building & Design from Yestermorrow Design/Build School in May and will graduate from Montpelier High School in June. He has been admitted to École Nationale de Cirque in Montreal where he will train for a professional circus career and pursue a degree in Circus Studies beginning in August.
Wacky Chad Promo Clip – 40 seconds
A promo clip from Wacky Chad, one of our guest performers for the show at the Hardwick Town House. Absolutely wild stunt comedy! Chad will be in the Saturday, May 11th show only.
Sarah Olmsted Thomas and Alex Vernon
Sarah and Alex have been making original movement and puppetry pieces together since 2010. Long before they met, Alex was a fire-breather and knife juggler at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival and Sarah was a clown at Le Samovar, Ecole de Clowns, in Paris. In recent years they have performed at the Kennedy Center, the Shakespeare Theater Company, Black Cherry Puppet Theater, D.C.’s Clown Cabaret, and even the White House. They are also company members of Happenstance Theater, with whom they devise original, full-length productions. They are thrilled to be joining Vermont Vaudeville this spring!