Looking for a live performance?
Click through to the following websites to see the current offerings by Vermont Vaudeville’s founders:

The latest episode of “The Perils of Mr. Punch”, “The Baffo Box Show”, and “We’re not From Here” are three shows available for indoor and outdoor events in Vermont and New Hampshire. For details visit ModernTimesTheater.com

Her Majesty’s Secret Circus Show is a two-person, 20 to 60 minute, high-energy spy comedy stunt show that can be performed indoors or outdoors. Find out more at SecretCircusShow.com.

Real McCoy Show is a rocking circus and comedy experience, appropriate for all ages. This is a one-person show that can last between 20 and 60 minutes and be performed indoors our outdoors. Find out more at RealMcCoyShow.com
Workshops & Shows for Schools

Modern Times Theater & Yes! Theater will perform in your school. Go to their webpages and contact them directly.

Modern Times Theater teaches Workshops in Junk Music, Crankys, Puppetry and Puppet Building, and Improv Comedy.

Yes! Theater teaches 1-day to 2-week circus and theater Artist Residencies in schools.