Coventry & Kaluza

Jamie Coventry is a harmonica addict and eccentric juggler. Natasha Kaluza is The Super Duper Hula Hooper. Together they are Coventry & Kaluza! Clown school sweethearts, and graduates of both the first and second year programs of the Clown Conservatory at the San Francisco Circus Center, they’ve made audiences laugh in schools, festivals, nightclubs, variety houses, private houses, circus tents, churches, elder care facilities, on the street, and even in a castle! Credits include The New Pickle Circus, Pickle Circus School Tour, Circus Bella, Flynn Creek Circus, Circus of Sound, Sweet Can Productions, Teatro Zinzanni and more. Coventry & Kaluza won Best Comedy/Clown Act in the American Circus Festival two years in a row, and Best Duo in the Picklewater Free Circus Festival. They serve as co-artistic directors and producers of Sweet Can Productions in San Francisco.