Heartbeet Chime Choir

Heartbeet Lifesharing is a Camphill Community in Hardwick, VT. Heartbeet is an intentional community where adults with different levels of abilities live and work together.

The Heartbeet Chime Choir was formed in December 2013. With 8-10 members, they have performed for different audiences like the Craftsbury Academy, Craftsbury Community Care Center, Greensboro United Church, Camphill Triform in upstate NY, and most recently, at the St. George Ballroom, NYC.

Members are: Ann Blanchard, Annie Jackson, April Bond, Brittany Garafola, Connor Henesy, Eva Griffin, Jared Shaffer, Jeniah Johnson, Lelia Volmer, Sequoya Cheyenne, Suzannah Dickinson. Onat Sanchez directs.
